Closing the Passive Aggressive Defiance Gap (The Complete Guide To Passive Aggression Book 2)
This book ties the rest of the series together, finalizing your commitment to change passive aggression’s toxic influence in your relationship. Closing the defiance gap means that you can learn how to communicate with your passive aggressive spouse in new and rewarding ways, throwing out old interactions that only made the situation worse.
This book focuses on teaching spouses that even if they cannot change the passive aggressive, they can change the way they react to him – and that change in oneself can have far-reaching benefits!
We know that for many spouses, facing the “passive aggressive trap” feels impossible and meaningless, because the passive aggressive spouse gives off the feeling that they are happy with the way things are. And, as they never confront, they use contrived ways of manifesting their anger or unhappiness.
Decoding this language can take years of miscommunication and frustration for you. And, even when you get to know the meaning of his behaviors, still there is the question: how do you manage this interaction so as to protect yourself from harm? How can you get your needs met when the language is so confusing? With this book, there is a way.
“Closing the Passive Aggressive Defiance Gap” is the third book in Creative Conflict Resolutions Kindle book series, called “The Complete Guide to Passive Aggression.”
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